Friktionsfri handel med JDA Supply Chain Management platform
Hvordan brancheførende maskinlæring og AI vender din forsyningskæde fra et omkostningscenter til et kommercielt våben.
Technology provides companies with endless opportunities to grow revenue, increase productivity, decrease costs, and satisfy customers in new ways. However, the ROI of technology can often be constrained with the limitations of the product. The JDA Platform offers companies the ability to differentiate themselves while providing friction-free commerce to their companies. Read more here to discover both the business and technical benefits of the JDA Platform.
Enter JDA’s Platform for intelligent, integrated business planning and execution. Supported by artificial intelligence and delivering real-time responsiveness, JDA’s end-to-end Platform makes commerce friction-free, maximizes your existing technology investments, and orchestrates and aligns all functions around a shared set of strategic goals.